Sildenafil also known as sildenafil citrate is the active compound in Viagra – a drug formulated to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Originally patented by Pfizer in 1996, the name only came into use after the patent expired allowing other drug manufacturers to produce generic Viagra. The FDA and many other federal health institutions allow the use of generic drugs to ensure uninterrupted supply and accessibility. However, there remains one key concern for most erectile dysfunction patients. Does generic sildenafil guarantee the same benefits as original Viagra?

In diesem Artikel wird erklärt, was generisches Sildenafil ist und wie es im Vergleich zu Marken-Viagra abschneidet.

Viagra vs. generisches Sildenafil

Generisches Sildenafil und seine Wirkungsweise

Similar to branded Viagra, generic sildenafil promotes blood flow to your penis helping you achieve and maintain an erection. The active ingredient in the drug is a PDE5 inhibitor which allows it to slow down the breakdown of phosphodiesterase enzyme. As a result, your muscles and blood vessels dilate and relax. This, in turn improves blood flow to your manhood which is necessary to achieve a hard-on.

Generisches Sildenafil vs. Original-Viagra – Kosten und Wirksamkeit

The primary distinguishing factor between Viagra and generic sildenafil pills is the price. You can purchase the generic drug for as low as $0.59 per tablet online at BonerShop (us). Meanwhile, a single Viagra tablet can sell for up to $20+. Given that the active ingredient is the same, it’s easy to see why generic sildenafil has become a popular option for patients. The potency and effectiveness discovered by various human trials and studies are nearly identical. So if you’re not here to “brag” to some friend that you’re taking REAL Viagra instead of generic Sildenafil — there’s no reason to go with the original one. Online pharmacies like ours — BonerShop — can offer generic Viagra pills for as low as $0.59 per tablet!

Detaillierte Einblicke in die Dosierung von Sildenafil vs. Viagra

Knowing the difference in dosage and possible side effects between branded Viagra and generic sildenafil is essential. You can find Viagra in three main dosage quantities: 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg. Meanwhile, sildenafil is available in 20mg, 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg — even mroe versatile dosages. Both drugs should be taken not less than 30 minutes before sex and not more than four hours before. Remember to avoid high-fat meals before you take the drugs. Granted, ED is a sensitive subject for most patients. But, if you don’t notice any improvement in your condition, it’s best to reach out and speak to your doctor. They can always increase the dosage or suggest switching to a different treatment plan. It’s important to remember that you’re both working towards the same goal; an improved sexual experience.

Mögliche Nebenwirkungen von Sildenafil und Viagra

Da beide Medikamente den gleichen Wirkstoff enthalten, weisen sie ähnliche Nebenwirkungen auf. Dazu gehören:

  • Kopfschmerzen
  • Flushing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Nasenbluten
  • Durchfall
  • Verdauungsstörungen
  • Heartburn
  • Rücken- und Muskelschmerzen
  • Augenempfindlichkeit

Diese Nebenwirkungen lassen normalerweise mit der Zeit nach, wenn das Medikament verstoffwechselt wird und Ihren Körper verlässt. Obwohl dies selten vorkommt, können bei einigen Patienten schwere Nebenwirkungen auftreten wie:

  • Verlust des Sehvermögens
  • Verschwommenes Sehen
  • Priapism
  • Loss of hearing
  • Dizziness
  • Niedriger Blutdruck

Wenn Sie eines dieser Symptome bemerken, sollten Sie umgehend einen Arzt aufsuchen. Dies kann auf eine schlechte Wechselwirkung der Medikamente zurückzuführen sein. Patienten mit ED sollten ihrem Arzt alle vorherigen medizinischen Berichte vorlegen, bevor sie mit einer Behandlung beginnen, um gesundheitliche Probleme zu vermeiden.

Endgültiges Urteil – Sollten Sie sich für generisches Sildenafil oder Original-Viagra entscheiden?

According to the National Institutes of Health, almost 30 million men suffer from ED in the United States alone. This makes finding a solution imperative. And, cost is a huge determining factor when selecting a treatment plan. Both generic sildenafil and branded Viagra are FDA-approved. While the packaging and drug color may differ, several research studies have proven optimal efficacy for both drugs. Ultimately, the choice is yours. ED patients using generic sildenafil get to enjoy the same health benefits as patients using original Viagra. Only, the former is easily accessible thanks to its affordability. All in all, if I were you, I’d be going with the generic version every time.