Poxet (Dapoxetine 30-90mg, Active Ingredient of Priligy®)

Poxet, a Priligy® generic, is designed to address premature ejaculation (PE) and help men last significantly longer (delay ejaculation) when having sex.
You can finally gain control over your sexual performance with this safe and effective drug.

No more humiliation of finishing in seconds & inability to control ejaculation!
And no more waiting lines or embarrassing doctor consultations!

  • FDA-approved active ingredients (Dapoxetine) used in Priligy®
  • Fast acting: results in approximately 30-60 minutes
  • Lasts up to ~12-24 hours (depending on metabolism)
  • Quick shipping
  • Unbeatable price
  • Discreet packaging
  • Significantly enhanced sexual endurance

*Pleas allow up to 24-hours for your order processing and shipping.

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What Is Poxet or Priligy®?

Poxet is a drug used to prevent premature ejaculation and overall last way longer when having sex. Its active ingredient, dapoxetine (which is also an ingredient of Priligy), is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that influences the amount of serotonin in the brain. By preventing its uptake, Poxet can ensure that this chemical messenger is readily available, which can help regulate your mood and influence bodily functions such as ejaculation.

Because premature ejaculation can affect a person’s sexual encounters significantly, this drug is designed to make intimacy more enjoyable. With proven results and an easy-to-administer dosage, you can count on Poxet to deliver the same kind of effects as Priligy.

Is It Legal to Buy Priligy Generics Such as Poxet?

It is absolutely legal in all U.S. states, Canada, UK and overall all Europe. Some countries even encourage pharmacies to first show the cheapest (generic) versions of branded medications.

You can buy as many tablets as you need for your personal use.

Is Poxet the Same as Priligy?

Yes it is. Since it has the same, FDA-approved active ingredient called Dapoxetine Hydrochloride. It is present in branded Priligy version as well. Their effects are 99.9% the same, the only difference is packaging.

Surprising Dapoxetine Benefits

This drug offers a number of advantages:

  • Improved Sexual Experience

One of the most notable benefits of Poxet is its ability to enhance sexual endurance. By inhibiting the uptake of serotonin, it is able to effectively regulate ejaculations, allowing you to enjoy sexual activity for longer.

  • Long-lasting Effects

Dapoxetine lasts for up to 12 hours, ensuring that you can maintain peak sexual performance for a longer time. It also means that you can enjoy more control over your ejaculatory response with just one pill per day.

  • Quick Action

Poxet reaches peak performance in just 60 minutes, making it great for spontaneous use. This allows you to take it discreetly before sexual activity without having to ruin the mood.

  • Possible Mood Regulation

Dapoxetine is currently being investigated for its positive impact on depression and anxiety. Because it enhances the amount of serotonin in the brain, you can expect to be happier and more at ease while on the drug.

  • Convenience

When you take Poxet, no one has to know. The medication is available in a discreet packaging for your convenience. Simply pop a pill and wait for the active ingredient to do its job!

Poxet Use Cases – What’s It Used For?

Poxet is used to prevent PE or ejaculation that occurs within one minute of penetration. This can reduce sexual enjoyment for both partners and may have an impact on the relationship.

The good news is that Poxet/Priligy/Dapoxetine (however you may call it) is a highly effective treatment for this condition and is generally prescribed for men between the ages of 18 and 64.

How Does It Work & How Does It Make You Feel?

The medication is designed to target a neurotransmitter in the brain known as serotonin. This chemical plays a crucial role in the body, regulating your mood and controlling a number of bodily functions, such as sexual response.

Serotonin flows from neurons into the synaptic cleft in the brain, where it attaches to certain receptors on neurons nearby. The releasing neuron then usually reabsorbs the neurotransmitter, a process called reuptake. By controlling serotonin availability and activity in the brain, this reabsorption process promotes balance.

However, when a person has premature ejaculation, the serotonin uptake process tends to happen faster, reducing serotonin activity in the synaptic cleft.

Because this hormone is crucial to many bodily functions, reduced amounts in the brain can cause disruptions. This could mean poor mood regulation and a faster ejaculatory response during sexual activity.

The active ingredient in Poxet (dapoxetine) functions as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, preventing serotonin from being reabsorbed too quickly.

Therefore, it prolongs the beneficial effects of serotonin by increasing its availability in the synaptic cleft and preventing its reuptake.
The ejaculatory response is delayed as a result of the rise in serotonin activity, giving you more control over ejaculation. This can result in longer sexual encounters and more enjoyable lovemaking.

Since Poxet gives men with premature ejaculations more control over their sexual reactions by raising serotonin levels, it could reduce the tension and anxiety that are frequently brought on by PE.

The drug has proven to be an excellent treatment for accelerated ejaculation, making it a reliable choice for those who want to take back their lives and enjoy their sex life again.

Possible Dapoxetine Side Effects

Like most drugs, Poxet may have some side effects. Make sure that you are talking to your doctor before taking this drug for sound medical advice. Poxet may have the following side effects:

  • Decreased libido
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Blurry vision
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating
  • Hypertension
  • Decreased libido
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Restlessness
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Tremors
  • Headaches
  • Dry mouth

Consult your physician if you experience these side effects, and avoid taking Poxet if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.

It’s also important to note that this medication can result in orthostatic hypotension, which causes changes in blood pressure when you alter your position (i.e., shifting between a seated and standing position). Therefore, you should avoid it if you have low blood pressure.

Moreover, Poxet can increase the chances of bleeding in individuals with certain bleeding disorders. You should also not use this medication for the treatment of premature ejaculation if you have any of the following conditions:

  • A history of heart conditions,
  • Seizures,
  • Serious kidney or liver diseases, or
  • A drug use problem.

Priligy/Poxet Dosage Guidelines

This medication contains dapoxetine in various doses:

  • 30 mg
  • 60 mg
  • 90 mg

Your doctor will provide dosage directions, so be sure to follow his or her advice. The drug should be taken one to two hours before sexual activity when needed.

Poxet lasts for 12 hours, so if you are taking it for the treatment of premature ejaculation, you will likely only need one pill per day. However, you should not exceed one dose in a 24-hour period. Make sure that you are talking to your doctor for more information.

Keep in mind that this drug is not intended to treat premature ejaculation but to prevent it while the medication is in your system. This means that you only need to take it whenever you need it. You do not have to take Poxet on a daily basis.

We recommend starting from the lowest dose 30mg, or even 15mg (by cutting the tablet in half) and checking how your body reacts.

Additional information


10 Pills ($1.99 each), 20 Pills ($1.49 each), 30 Pills ($1.33 each), 50 Pills ($0.99 each), 100 Pills ($0.89 each), 200 Pills ($0.79 each), 300 Pills ($0.69 each), 500 Pills ($0.65 each)

Active Ingredients

Dapoxetine Hydrochloride


30mg, 60mg, 90mg

Brand Name

Poxet (Priligy generic)

How much does the shipping of Poxet cost?

  • We charge $29 for all domestic-USA and International shipments.
  • It is FREE if you order from $150 and above.

How long does the shipping take?

  • Usually it takes for us ~12-48 hours to process the order and ship it to your address.
  • The shipping time itself will depend on your country. Usually, it takes between 4 to 15 days to receive your parcel.

What if my shipment didn’t come or was held in customs?

That happens extremely rarely. 99% of our shipments successfully reach their destination.

If, however, trouble does occur — don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be able to re-ship your products at no cost or provide a refund.

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